Seks ASBO leidt wederom tot arrestatie

Eerder schreef ik hier over de in Engeland opgelegde ASBO die verbiedt om luidruchtige seks te hebben. De luidruchtige vrouw werd reeds veroordeeld tot een voorwaardelijke gevangenisstraf. Nu is zij weer gearresteerd wegens overtreding van het bevel.  De Telegraph meldt:

‘The 49-year-old has now been thrown back into a bail hostel to keep her and husband Steve apart while the courts decide what to do next. Caroline had spent eight months in the hostel in Sunderland and was allowed back home after her Crown Court appearance at the beginning of the year. She has moved her bed into the dining room downstairs so the pair could continue their romps in an attempt not to disturb the neighbours. But their lovemaking has got them into hot water again and police received a complaint that her morning wails and whines were said to be heard at 10.15am’.

Mevrouw zit nu tot 13 mei 2010 vast in afwachting van haar proces. Zie hier.